Following the frustrations expressed by some horse trainers in California over the changes in horse racing rules, officials from the California Horse Racing Board (CHRB) and horsemen groups met in a teleconference on March 3 to clarify the rules and procedures for the treatment of entered racehorses. Here are the …
Veterinarians are now feeling the effects of the global health crisis occasioned by the outbreak of the deadly coronavirus. This was after it emerged that a dog in Hong Kong had been quarantined following a weak positive test result for covid-19. The result has sparked fears and raised concerns that …
The AVMA discourages the declawing or onychectomy of cats in favor of non-surgical alternatives to the procedure. With that stated, the AVMA does respect the right of veterinarians to use their professional discretion when determining what is best for the health and welfare of an individual pet. This means that …
Image from Equine gastric ulcer syndrome (EGUS) is common in horses. Ulcers can be found in the terminal esophagus, stomach (nonglandular and glandular regions) and the proximal duodenum. Prevalence estimates range from 25 percent to 50 percent in foals and 60 percent to 90 percent in adult horses, depending on …
Image from EQUINE Ink For centuries, the only way to get a shoe to stick on a horse’s hoof was to nail it on. Sometimes that didn’t work because the feet were in too poor condition to hold the nails. Compounding the problem was when a nail was driven into …
Image from Old age claims more horses’ lives than any other cause, according to the National Animal Health Monitoring System. The most common specific causes of death in these aged horses were weight loss and inability to ambulate; one researcher suggests the two are related. You will find that …
Image from College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida A large share of small animal practices turned corporate have several things in common. Corporate medicine allows veterinarians to escape the management aspects of a large practice and the majority of veterinarians want a profitable exit from a profitable practice. The …
Image from VCA Animal Hospitals Veterinarians are already versed in the understanding of infectious disease and toxicants; this understanding must now be applied to bioterrorism agents. Since the Pandora’s box of anthrax has already been opened, this discussion will be restricted to the most probable spectrum of biologic agents terrorists might consider. …
Image from Swine diets supplemented with fish oil and spray-dried plasma may boost immunity in piglets and eliminate the use of growth-promoting antibiotics in piglets younger than 21 days, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service reported today. Researchers at the ARS Livestock Issues Research Unit in Lubbock, Texas, …
Image from While many believe that a chance to cut is a chance to cure, when cancer might have spread outside the primary site, adjuvant chemo-therapy should be considered. The word “adjuvant” means the use of additional measures to prevent or delay the cancer’s recurrence. This type of treatment …