Clinics and Trends

Ready, Set, Glue!

Image from EQUINE Ink For centuries, the only way to get a shoe to stick on a horse’s hoof was to nail it on. Sometimes that didn’t work because the feet were in too poor condition to hold the nails. Compounding the problem was when a nail was driven into …

Clinics and Trends

Are Large Animal Practitioners Ready for Corporate Practice?

Image from College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida A large share of small animal practices turned corporate have several things in common. Corporate medicine allows veterinarians to escape the management aspects of a large practice and the majority of veterinarians want a profitable exit from a profitable practice.  The …

Clinics and Trends

Life Insurance for the Pet with Cancer

Image from While many believe that a chance to cut is a chance to cure, when cancer might have spread outside the primary site, adjuvant chemo-therapy should be considered.  The word “adjuvant” means the use of additional measures to prevent or delay the cancer’s recurrence. This type of treatment …

Clinics and Trends

Tips for Gaining Repeat Customers

Examine a veterinary practice that provides award-winning service, and it becomes clear that it’s because of all the small things the staff does right. I frequently tell my staff it’s the 101 or the 1001 little things we do that make our clinic a great practice.  Here are 10 of my …

Clinics and Trends

Designing, Remodeling, and Equipping the Practice

Building or remodeling a clinic can be more than just including an extra exam room or larger office space. Today’s clinics are becoming one-stop shops.  Technology has also advanced so that services normally associated with referral clinics can be incorporated into small practices. With the function of veterinary clinics changing, …

Clinics and Trends

Continuing Education Gains Momentum

Lifelong learning has been part of veterinary education for many years. The availability and form of continuing education has changed as the accumulation of knowledge increases in speed and requires an organized and efficient delivery to veterinarians and veterinary technicians.  In the 1950s and ‘60s, the American Veterinary Medical Assn. …

Clinics and Trends

How To Start A Pet Transport Company

Photo courtesy of Pet Inn Store These days more families than ever before have pets, and with world-wide travel also on the rise, it is only natural that there would be a rising need for pet transportation. It is easy to tell that if you are someone who both loves …

Clinics and Trends

New Ways to Finance Veterinary Clinic Construction

Whether you’re building a new office or renovating an existing clinic, veterinary construction is a crucial part of every animal hospital’s life. Keeping up with new technology is essential to a successful practice and having the space necessary to accommodate a heavy client load guarantees comfort and safety. However, planning …

Clinics and Trends

Veterinary Careers Offer Great Opportunities

Did you know that there is high demand for vets in rural areas? If you’re looking for a career which offers plenty of opportunities to earn good money in and outside of cities, while also helping animals and giving pet owners greater peace of mind, you may want to consider …

Clinics and Trends

Discover the Latest Vet Clinic Trends

Pet owners are changing and this is sparking a lot of changes in the way that vet clinics operate. In addition to changing demographics for pet owners, vet clinic owners are adding high technology to the mix. The vet medicine software business is booming and is expected to grow by …