Image from While many believe that a chance to cut is a chance to cure, when cancer might have spread outside the primary site, adjuvant chemo-therapy should be considered. The word “adjuvant” means the use of additional measures to prevent or delay the cancer’s recurrence. This type of treatment …
Examine a veterinary practice that provides award-winning service, and it becomes clear that it’s because of all the small things the staff does right. I frequently tell my staff it’s the 101 or the 1001 little things we do that make our clinic a great practice. Here are 10 of my …
Building or remodeling a clinic can be more than just including an extra exam room or larger office space. Today’s clinics are becoming one-stop shops. Technology has also advanced so that services normally associated with referral clinics can be incorporated into small practices. With the function of veterinary clinics changing, …
In her book Client Satisfaction Pays (AAHA Press, 1998), Carin Smith, DVM, sums it all up: “Client satisfaction is whatever your clients say it is.” The challenge, Dr. Smith said, lies in “taking the time and effort to think about it and to take action, in the midst of a …
Image from Reference charts in the exam room. Sticky notes tacked inside the pharmaceutical cabinet. Procedures transcribed on scratch paper and taped to a crash cart. Sound familiar? Most clinics use these quick-reference sheets of one sort or another, whether they reference the life cycle of a flea, drug …
Reptiles and Amphibians § Feldman, BV, et. al. Schalm’s Veterinary Hematology. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, 2000. § Frye, FL. Biomedical and Surgical Aspects of Captive Reptile Husbandry. Krieger Publishing, 1991. § Girling, Simon and Paul Raiti. BSAVA Manual of Reptiles. Blackwell Publishing, 2004. § Mader, Douglas and Geoff Stein. Reptile Medicine and Surgery, Elsevier, 2005. § Pough, F.H., and Robin M. …
Lifelong learning has been part of veterinary education for many years. The availability and form of continuing education has changed as the accumulation of knowledge increases in speed and requires an organized and efficient delivery to veterinarians and veterinary technicians. In the 1950s and ‘60s, the American Veterinary Medical Assn. …
This article is written specifically for equines, but all of the information contained can also be applied to any of your pets or those you are responsible for. Please read it carefully and begin your evacuation plan soon. These tips are designed to make the recovery/evacuation process easier because in …
Photo courtesy of Pet Inn Store These days more families than ever before have pets, and with world-wide travel also on the rise, it is only natural that there would be a rising need for pet transportation. It is easy to tell that if you are someone who both loves …
This is the leading cause of death in horses. Colic can come on very suddenly and often with little or no warning. There are several ways that colic can occur in horses. A horse can get colic from a change in diet that wasn’t gradually introduced. Even changing hay can …